Monday, October 22, 2007

First Graders Love Autumn

I love fall because I love Halloween and trick or treating. Most of all, I love going to peoples' houses. Fall is my favorite season. Lots of people have birthdays. Some people are sick on their birthdays.

I am raking my leaves. Then I am going to jump on the leaves. Crash! In the fall, will rake them all again.

In fall, I like to put of Halloween decorations because it is fun. Fall is fun because Halloween happens. I like raking leaves.

Fall is fun because I spend time with my family. In Fall, it is my birthday. I have good friends. I like jumping in leaves.

In fall, there is Halloween, which I like. Fall is awesome, spectacular, and great! I like carving pumpkins. I play with Ingrid in the leaves in the fall. Fall makes me feel great.

I like when Jared comes over to my house. We jump in the leaves. We'll play video games.

In fall, Annie, my mom, my dad, and I go to get some candy. My birthday is special because Garrett is five days older than me.

Fall is fun because you can jump in leaves and rake them. Halloween is fun. In fall, I like jumping in leaves.

In fall, I like to cut pumpkin faces. Fall is fun.

I like fall because the leaves are gold. I like it when the leaves turn crimson.

I love fall because of Thanksgiving and Halloween. I love getting candy and giving out candy. This Thanksgiving I might go to a special place. Thanksgiving is special to me. Fall is great!

In fall, my brother and I race our cars. I like to play baseball. It's awesome.

In fall, I ride my four wheeler with my sister. I like to play baseball with my dad. Then I hit a homer.

In fall, I get pumpkins to carve at home for Halloween. I light the pumpkins for Halloween! When Halloween comes, people will see them when they're lit at night.

I can't wait until I go to Cynsi's house to rake leaves, jump in them, and play with Cynsi. I can't wait until Halloween. I want get candy and have fun.

I like Halloween, birthdays, and scarecrows. I like fall because leaves are beautiful.

In fall, I like to go camping and fishing. In fall, it is Garrett's birthday and it is Avery's birthday.

In fall, I like to put on my costume, because it's from Star Wars. It has a light saber. In fall, Halloween happens. I go outside, and I go hunting. In fall, I rake leaves and jump in the pile.

In fall, I love trick or treating because I get to wear my new costume. I love to swing on my tire swing. I like to play outside.

I like fall because I like to jump in the leaves. It is fun! My friends play too. I like fall because the leaves are starting to turn crimson and gold.

I like fall because the leaves change color. The leaves float down to the ground.

In fall, Halloween happens. Leaves fall. We have leaf piles and pumpkins. It's getting colder.


  1. Oh, how exciting to see how much first graders love fall! I love fall because of the beautiful colors, nice weather and a very important birthday that a few of you mentioned!

    Keep up the excellent writing!
    - Garrett's Mom

  2. Excellent Writing. I enjoyed reading about the fun things that you all do during this special time of year. Keep up the good work.

    Avery's Mom

  3. Thank you first graders for sharing what you love about fall. It sounds like there's going to be a lot of leaf piles throughout Erving in the upcoming weeks. It's great to see the nice comments you write about your friends. We look forward to reading more of your writings.

  4. Wow! Thank you all for the wonderful comments. Your comments to us make us feel really good. They are fabulous and exciting. It feels awesome to have you read our writing. Please remember to check our blog again. Tomorrow is Open House. We hope you all come to see us.

    Thanks so much. You are so kind!

    Erving First Graders

  5. Good Writing First Graders!
    -Jack's Sister
